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LONDON BRIDGE the first Thames crossing
"London Bridge is falling down,
falling down, falling down”
London Bridge is falling down,
my fair lady".
Ancient nursery rhyme
The Romans
The River Thames
was very much wider
in the early days of
Londinium. When the
Romans saw it for the
first time it was
around five times wider than it is today.
Because of the greater width it was also
much shallower, with small islets forming at
low tide. It was man expanding the banks
outwards over the centuries that has
narrowed and deepened the river. This
explains why certain areas of London have
such a high flood risk, being somewhat lower
than the level of the water now.
There is no doubt that the conquering
Romans must have had a bridge crossing the
river somewhere near today’s site. It may
have started as a floating pontoon, then a
more permanent wooden structure. Either
way, they needed one for crossing, as well as
defence purposes.
The Early Bridges
In the early years there must have been
many bridges erected and destroyed. The
construction, I should imagine, was pretty
primitive, especially after the disciplined army
of the Romans left in 410 AD. Apart from the
strong tides, the risk of fire was always there
with what would have been wooden
structures. Then there were the armies
queuing up to invade Britain, via London.
On one of the many invasion attempts by the
Danes, in 1014, Ethelred the Unready, helped
by King Olaf of Norway once again pulled
down the bridge to divide the Viking forces.
This gave us the song written by a Norse
poet of the time:
“London Bridge is broken down
Gold is won and bright renown
Shields resounding
War horns sounding
Hildur shouting in the din
Arrows singing
Mailcoats ringing
Odin makes our Olaf win”
The more familiar version at the top of this
page only came about in the mid 17th.
There is no way of knowing the exact number
of times rebuilding took place during these
early years but the last one was erected,
apparently, in 1163 and was probably made
of Elm. In 1176 a priest and architect, Peter
Colechurch, planned a bridge of stone.
Last of the Ferryman
In medieval times there was a ferry across
the river near the site of the bridge. When the
last ferryman, John Ovary, died his daughter,
Mary Ovary, donated all her inherited wealth
to build a convent on the site which was later
to become known as St. Mary of the ovaries.
This was later turned into a college for the
priesthood. The priests set about building a
wooden bridge across the Thames. They
were also responsible for the maintenance of
the bridge. The
church was later
named St. Saviours
and in 1905
became what we
know today as Southwark Cathedral. The
earliest reference I could find for this bridge
was dated 984 AD. when a woman found
guilty of witchcraft was ordered to be taken to
London Bridge and be drowned. Ten years
after that, in 994 AD, King Ethelred defended
London against an invasion by the Danes
with the help of King Olaf. They pulled it
down with long boats to stop the Danes
crossing. How long the bridge had been
standing before these events I am unable to
There is a plaque on
the South side of the
river telling a bizarre
tale about the death
of John Ovarie. If you
are unable to read
the text from the photo click here for a text
John Rennie’s Bridge
After many plans were submitted for
tender the proposal by John Rennie was
accepted. Although his
design was used, it was
his son, Sir John Rennie
who actually saw it
through to completion. His
father, unfortunately died before the building
work was even started. On June 15th. 1825
the first foundation stone was laid. The first
stone to be laid, on the City side of the river,
was in December 1826. Once again, the old
bridge was left standing while work was in
progress, after a few alterations to some of
the arches to allow water flow not to hinder
the operation. It would allow access to traffic
until demolished on completion of the new
structure. It was completed in 1831, and
William IV officially opened it on August 1st.
The picture, from a
painting in Guildhall
Art Gallery, shows
the demolition of the
old bridge.
Widening of the Bridge
In the latter part of the 19th. century there
were repeated calls for the bridge to be
widened. These demands were due to the
ever increasing volume of traffic chaos
caused by the vast numbers of vehicles
using it. They were all ignored however, for
reasons of finances, and the wish not to spoil
the architecture. In 1902 plans were finally
put into action and the bridge was widened.
The alterations added four and a half feet to
each footpath, and two and a half to the road
Another bridge
In 1967 it was
decided to replace
the bridge once
again. There were
reports of cracks
appearing and
general decay during the previous forty
years. Modern design technology allowed the
bridge to have only two supporting piers in
the water, making a much wider space for the
waterborne traffic. The way they tackled the
task this was to build the two outside lanes
either side of the old bridge to allow traffic
flow. The old bridge was then dismantled and
the two centre sections put into place. It is a
box girder bridge built from concrete and
steel, designed by Lord Holford and
engineers Mott, Hay and Anderson. It was
opened by Queen Elizabeth II on March 16th.
1973. I have a real hatred of the stair design
on the South side. Not only are the steps
built at an angle, but the handrails are of a
diameter much too large to get a hand round
securely. On the North side an excellent
spiral staircase was
in 2016
access to the river. It has
an information platform halfway up/down
Off to America
When news of the intended demolition of
Rennie’s bridge was announced there were
protests from many quarters. Some even
suggested restoring it to its old form including
the buildings that were once part of it. An
American, representing McCulloch
Properties, put in a bid for the Rennie bridge
of £1,250,000 and purchased it to take to the
USA. It was divided into sections and marked
out by numbers. The sections were then
dismantled and shipped across the Atlantic. It
arrived in California on July 5th 1968. After a
240 mile journey from there to its final
destination the first stone was laid by the
then Lord Mayor of London, Sir Gilbert
Inglefield on September 23rd. 1968. It is still
there today in Lake Havasu City, halfway
between Phoenix and Las Vegas. It was
rumoured that the
thought they had
bought Tower
Bridge but this is a
myth. They knew
exactly what they were purchasing.
The first stone bridge
Construction work started just west of the
old bridge, in 1176, with the wooden bridge
left standing until building finished. This was
just as well really, as the stone replacement
took over thirty years to complete! It must
have been a major feat of engineering when
you think what was involved without the aid
of modern day plant and machinery. The
course of the river had to be diverted by
digging massive trenches, from Radriffe to
Patricksey in order to lay the foundations.
Even so, they still had to pile drive from
floating barges. This may have had a bearing
on the uneven measurements, it must have
been impossible to maintain a position while
fighting the tides, even with the diversions in
There were nineteen arches contained in the
structure, none being of the same
dimensions. Whether this variation in widths
was due to the unevenness of the river bed
preventing equal placement of the
foundations, or just bad workmanship, I
cannot say.
Because the nineteen supports took up
almost two thirds of the width of the water it
created a sort of weir, with the water being
forced through the arches at great speed.
After a slower flow on the upriver side of the
bridge it accelerated into near rapids on the
down side.
Saint Thomas’s Hospital
In the centre of the stone bridge was
placed a church, by the side of the roadway,
built upwards from the base of the supporting
pier. This was named St. Thomas’s, after
Thomas Becket who was murdered a few
years earlier by soldiers who had heard King
Henry II muttering that he wished him dead.
They unfortunately took the words seriously!
There were also gatehouses with drawbridge
and portcullis. The money for the building
work was raised by various taxes, and also
payment from allowing the erection of many
buildings along its length. It was completed in
1209, and who would have imagined that it
would stand for a period spanning six
hundred years before being replaced?
Fire and Disaster
On the night of July 10th. 1212 three years
after the completion of the first stone bridge,
fire broke out on the south side of the river in
Southwark. People ran across the bridge to
help quench the flames, but this action was
to be regretted. Bear in mind that by this time
numerous buildings had been erected upon
the bridge. A strong wind fanned the flames
and sent sparks across the river. This caused
the buildings at the other end of the bridge to
ignite, trapping the people in the middle of
the bridge. There was only one way out, over
the side into the Thames, where a large
number of boats had gathered hoping to be
of assistance. The vast number of townsfolk
attempting to board the vessels caused some
of them to sink. The number of bodies
recovered was around 3,000 but this did not
include the people incinerated in the fire,
who's bodies were never found.
More disaster
In 1282, seventy years after the fire, the
bridge suffered another disaster. Though this
one did not claim any lives. During a bad
winter with heavy snowfalls and thick frost,
the elements attacked the main arches of the
bridge. This caused five of them to
completely collapse. Over the next few years
it deteriorated and became too dangerous for
general use. In 1381 the bridge was repaired
using money raised by the churches. This
was the same year that Watt Tyler and the
rebels from Kent, as Stow called them,
entered into London by way of the bridge.
Apart from widening of the roadway in the
eighteenth century, the bridge remained
unaltered until 1825 when work was started
more than 600 years since the building of the
first one.